The dictionary defines perspective as "a way of regarding situations, facts, etc, and judging their relative importance."
Right now, today, I hate perspective. Because to have perspective on life, it many times means that some else is suffering far more that you.
"That really puts things into perspective." The "that"? Someone else gets laid off from their job, is diagnosed with a terminal illness...loses a child. So in the face of this tragedy we are able, somehow, to be thankful for our own lives. Those small problems that plague us, pail in comparison.
Why can't we gain perspective without someone else "trumping" our own problems. Why can't we see the importance of saying "I'm sorry" or "I love you" without a heavy heart. We all want to remember to hug our children everyday, to not get so upset with them, to forgive others when trivial differences arise, to never go to bed angry at our spouses, for who knows what tomorrow holds. Without perspective, sometimes we forget.
Perspective is the great equalizer. It helps us to remember that we are all the same, and with the blink of an eye we could be facing the same loss. So maybe perspective isn't totally terrible, as long as you are on the right side of it. Maybe it gives a bit more meaning to the lives of those who are sick or no longer with us if we translate one's suffering into love and thanks for friends, family and those who are on the other end of our own perspective.
Today I have perspective on what is important, or better, unimportant in my life. I wish I didn't have this perspective, because maybe that would mean that she wouldn't be suffering her loss right now, that her sadness didn't outweigh all of ours.
A prayer to God that He keep my family safe and healthy, and to Mary to hold in her arms those mothers, especially my friend, suffering for their children.
So have perspective. Hug your children. Call your mother. And I will close the computer so that I can go have lunch with my husband, which I always seem "to busy" to do.

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