Saturday, March 1, 2014


Sometimes when I write I feel like so much of what I say is in desperation for answers or for sharing my new found knowledge, or just plain frustration.  My aunt came by the other day to babysit and she said she was nervous to watch him because she had been reading my blog.  I realized that the only times that I took to writing was to discuss an indecent, a reaction or a problem having to do with W's allergies.

I don't want people to be afraid or nervous to be around my baby, and there are days that pass with no issues and where I can say that W is just another normal baby.  Today really felt like one of those days. I decided that I need to share the happy with the sad and the joyous with the nerve wrecking.

Big Brother's Day
My oldest son celebrated his First Communion today.  It was a wonderful celebration and we were all so proud of him.  Looking handsome in his new duds, big brother J was as reverent as a 2nd grade boy could be. Congratulations to my sweet boy!

Mid-Mass seven adults found ourselves passing W like a football, person to person, as he squirmed and fussed, unable to sit still.  We had already started the Mass with him screaming during the procession of the children, which caused me to drop Chex in the pews (sorry) and struggle to get him under control so as not to spend the next hour in the cry room.  Basically, W acted like any 13 month old in church, refusing to sit nice and quiet while his brother had his big moment.

As Mass was reaching the end, I heard another baby scream out somewhere in church and for some reason I was struck with joy at the thought of other parents dealing with other babies who all want nothing more than to wiggle and shout out and practice their new found skill of walking up and down the isles.

Incident Free
We have several days that are incident free. No hives, no vomit, nothing, and again today was one of those days. W was a bottomless pit, eating and eating and yelling at us when his tray was empty.  He was even able to eat some of the food that we served our guests.

Tonight we ventured out to continue the celebrations at a restaurant (which has cause additional trepidation for us lately) and almost came out of it unscathed.  I say almost because I am a klutz and a klutz in 4" heals is dangerous. Yep, embarrassingly I took a small spill with baby in hand, but no real damage to either of us, thankfully.

Celebrate Happy!
We ended the day with an impromptu photo session (cause how often do we look this good?) After looking at all the photos I had a second moment of pure happiness.  We are a normal family, living a normal life.  There are times when things get touchy, but for the most part, my children are all happy and healthy and for that I am truly grateful. 

We even manage some silliness along the way.

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